Unit 4 Lesson 2: Weather and Climate

Unit 4 

Lesson 2: Weather and Climate

Lesson target:

Students will recognize different elements that affect the change in climate

Lesson objectives:

1) Differentiate between weather and climate

2) Define the elements which affect the change in climate


What does the word weather refer to? What about climate?

What are some machines that might help in detecting weather changes?


The weather and the climate are both part of Earth’s atmosphere. They both change according to the changing conditions of the atmosphere. Yet, they have some differences.

The difference between weather and climate.



Changes within a short time (24 hours or less)

Changes from day to day


Constant over a long period (it does not change from one day to another)

Characterizes the general atmosphere of a place over a long period



The 4 elements that affect the climate are and the effect of each is:


Temperature (heat) is one of the most important elements that affects the climate.

Measured by thermometer 

Atmospheric pressure

Force of air on a surface area. Your ears pop when going to the mountain or flying in the airplane because the atmospheric pressure surrounds a body from all directions.

Measured by barometer


Rain, hail, or snow that falls down and deposits on the ground.

When these evaporate and change into vapor, climate changes.


The closer the air is to the surface, the heavier it gets to be.

The farther from Earth’s surface, the lighter wind gets to be.

Measured by anemometer

Measured in inches over a period of 24 hours

Exercise page 85. 

Exercise 1: What is the difference between climate and weather? Explain.

The weather changes within a short time (24 hours or less), and it changes from day to day. While the climate is constant over a long period (it does not change from one day to another), and it characterizes the general atmosphere of a place over a long period.

Exercise 2: Name the four elements that affect the change of climate from one place to another or from one season to the other.

1. Temperature (heat)

2. Atmospheric pressure

3. Precipitation

4. Wind

Exercise 3: Write “true” or “false”.

1. Wind moves all the time above the surface of the Earth. T

2. A barometer measures temperature. F

3. Temperature refers to heat and the sun might be a possible source of heat. T

4. When I say it’s going to be cloudy today, the I am referring to the weather. T


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