Extraction of Aluminum

Extraction of Aluminum:

Aluminum is highly reactive metal and it will be electrolyzed.

Aluminum has many useful properties like:

Low density

Conduct heat & electricity

Resistance to corrosion (as forms Aluminum oxide layer on extraction that protects it from corrosion)

Getting the Ore:

Aluminum is extracted mainly from its ore called Bauxite (Al2O3)

Electrolysis of Aluminum oxide

Aluminum is melted & then electrolyzed.

To save energy, Aluminum oxide is dissolved in a chemical Cryolite (Na3AlF4)

At the cathode:

    Al3+        +     3e-     à    Al

At the anode:

    2O2-        -     4e-     à    O2

This oxygen reacts with hot carbon anodes making carbon dioxide gas & burns away. This needs to be replaced.


                   Class Assessment

1.  Aluminum is highly reactive metal. T

2.  Oxygen reacts with hot carbon anodes     making carbon dioxide gas & burns away. T

3.  Aluminum is extracted mainly from its ore called Bauxite (Al2O3). T

4.  Aluminum oxide is dissolved in a chemical Cryolite (Na3AlF4). T





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