Unit 3 Lesson 2: Absolute Monarchies

Lesson 2: Absolute Monarchies

Lesson target:

list information about the two absolute monarchies: Saudi Arabia and Oman.

Lesson Objectives:

Students should be able to:

1) identify the two countries Saudi Arabia and Oman as absolute monarchies

2) identify some characteristics of the two countries and their leaders


1. Who rules the country if it were an absolute monarchy? (King or Queen)

2. Are all Arab countries absolute monarchies? (No, others are republics or constitutional monarchies)

3. Can you give two examples of Arab absolute monarchies? (Oman and Saudi Arabia)


Each country has its own flag to represent it. The capital city (the main city where the king or president of the country usually lives) of Oman is Muscat.

The capital city of Saudi Arabia is Riyadh.

These two countries are Arab countries, and they are referred to as absolute monarchies. Kings rule them, and their kings are the ones who have the right of taking crucial (important) decisions in their countries.


A border is a line that separates a country from other countries, seas, or gulfs on the map. This line is not real. It is only used on maps to show where each country begins and ends.


Saudi Arabia is bordered by the Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba to its west and the Arabian Gulf to its east. Two of its neighboring countries are Yemen and Oman. It occupies most of the Arabian Peninsula (the Arabian Peninsula lies between the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf which is strategically important because of the oil resources found in it).


Oman is bordered by the United Arab Emirates to the north, Saudi Arabia to the west, and Yemen to the south. It extends (stretches) along the coast (shore) of the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman that appears at the tip of the Arabian Peninsula.


-Saudi Arabia’s capital is Riyadh while Muscat is the capital of Oman.

- Sultan Qabus ibn Sa’id is the Leader of Oman while King Salman is the leader of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia was a monarchy until the year 1992. After that, a constitution (a written record of principles and rules which a country should follow) was formed. The legal system and constitution of Saudi Arabia is based up till date on the Islamic law known as Shari’a. Accordingly, the king makes his decisions following the Shari’a. 


Shari’a consists of all rules and regulations that all Muslim people around the world should abide by. Shari’a guides Muslims to the correct way of living away from sin. It deals with all aspects of life such as crime, politics, economics, hygiene, prayer, fasting, marriage…


History of Oman:

1) In the past, Parthians (people living in the ancient kingdom of Parthia today known as Persia) were in charge of Oman.

2) Many Arab tribes (groups) migrated (traveled and settled down) to the area where Oman is nowadays, took Islam as their religion, and put a limit (stopped) to the Persian or Iranian influence.

3) The Portuguese (people of Portugal) occupied (lived in and ruled) Oman between the years 1550 and 1650. Sultan Ahmad ibn Sai’d forced them out of Oman and ruled instead. Up till date, the descendents (children and grandchildren) of Sultan Ahmad rule Oman.


History of Saudi Arabia:

- It is the main and biggest part of the Arabian Peninsula. The Arabs first came or originated from Saudi Arabia.

- It is the homeland of Islam.

- It is the location of the two holy Islamic cities: Makkah and Madinah.

- The history of Saudi Arabia starts many years ago with Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) Hijra (traveling) from Makkah.

- The Ottomans were one of several invaders (attackers) who settled a long time ago in this country.

- King Abdul Aziz ibn Saud was the establisher (founder) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as we know it today. He first reigned over (controlled) Riyadh in the year 1902 and 1920.


Exercise 1: 

Define the term “absolute monarchy”.

It is a governmental system ruled by a king who takes the crucial decisions in his country.

Exercise 2: 

Complete the table below.


Saudi Arabia


name of the descendants’ family

Al Saud

 Al Sa’id

capital city



ruling political party in the past


Parthians then Portuguese



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