Unit 2 Lesson 4: Eating Disorders

Unit 2 

Lesson 4: Eating Disorders

Lesson objectives:

Students should be able to:

1) define bulimia and anorexia

2) identify the characteristics, reasons, and consequences of each disorder




- binge eating is the main feature

- forced vomiting to get rid of the food accompanies the eating habit (at least twice a week)

- person is always on diet

- person exercises excessively

- person fasts a lot

- food is a burden


Person forces himself to vomit/ takes laxatives to do so

average weight or a bit of overweight


Reasons: wrong image of body disposition/ obsessive fear of gaining weight

*They believe they are really fat although they might not be so.

*Adolescents face emotional and physical changes during puberty; they also undergo lots of peer pressure; academic pressure might be a reason too; the feeling that they are unable


Exercise 1: Define the following terms.

anorexia: This is an eating disorder whereby the person is always on diet since his main fear is gaining weight.

bulimia: Binge eating is the main feature here, and the person tends to vomit any extra foods.

Exercise 2: Write whether the following statements are “true” or “false”.

1. Not only girls suffer from eating disorders, guys also get concerned with their athletic appearance so they tend to suffer from such disorders too. true

2. People with anorexia usually suffer from overweight. false

3. Both anorexia and bulimia are disorders that have very negative effects on a person’s health. true


4. Tooth decay is one result of anorexia. false

5. Anemia is one result of bulimia. false

Exercise 3: If one of your friends is suffering from anorexia or bulimia, what would you do to help?

A person has to eat in moderate quantities and take care of his body by exercising.


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