
Showing posts from December, 2021

Unit 3 Lesson 2: Absolute Monarchies

Lesson 2: Absolute Monarchies Lesson target: list information about the two absolute monarchies: Saudi Arabia and Oman. Lesson Objectives: Students should be able to: 1) identify the two countries Saudi Arabia and Oman as absolute monarchies 2) identify some characteristics of the two countries and their leaders   1. Who rules the country if it were an absolute monarchy? (King or Queen) 2. Are all Arab countries absolute monarchies? (No, others are republics or constitutional monarchies) 3. Can you give two examples of Arab absolute monarchies? (Oman and Saudi Arabia)   Each country has its own flag to represent it. The capital city (the main city where the king or president of the country usually lives) of Oman is Muscat. The capital city of Saudi Arabia is Riyadh. These two countries are Arab countries, and they are referred to as absolute monarchies. Kings rule them, and their kings are the ones who have the right of taking crucial (important) decisions i

Unit 2 Lesson 4: Eating Disorders

Unit 2  Lesson 4: Eating Disorders Lesson objectives: Students should be able to: 1) define bulimia and anorexia 2) identify the characteristics, reasons, and consequences of each disorder Bulimia Anorexia   - binge eating is the main feature - forced vomiting to get rid of the food accompanies the eating habit (at least twice a week) - person is always on diet - person exercises excessively - person fasts a lot - food is a burden   Person forces himself to vomit/ takes laxatives to do so average weight or a bit of overweight underweight Reasons: wrong image of body disposition/ obsessive fear of gaining weight *They believe they are really fat although they might not be so. *Adolescents face emotional and physical changes during puberty; they also undergo lots of peer pressure; academic pressure might be a reason too; the feeling that they ar