Science Grade 5 Practice & Revision Sheet With Solution

Science Grade 5 Practice  & Revision Sheet With Solution 

1. All organisms, or living things, are made of.......................... Cells

2. A single-celled organism that can carry on all its life processes is called---------------------------. Unicellular

3. Organisms made up of more than one cell are called.................... Multicellular

4. Both plant and animal cells perform life processes by using---------------------------------. Organelles 

5. All cells are surrounded by a(n)---------------------- that controls the materials that move in and out of the cell. Cell membrane

6. The cell's control center is called the ........................... Nucleus

7. A structure in a cell used for storage of water, food, and waste is the-------------------------------------. Vacuoles

8. A green structure, called a(n).........................; uses the energy from the Sun to produce food for the plant. Chloroplast

9. Cells working together at the same job form a(n)................................. Tissue

10. Groups of tissues working together form organs, and groups of organs working together form-----------------------------------.  Organ system

11. Scientists sort, or .................... living things into groups according to shared traits. Classify
12. All organisms are divided into six major groups called ........................     Kingdoms
13. The scientific name of an organism consists of its .....................     Genus and species
14. Plants can make their own food, but .......................... obtain energy from other organisms. Animals
15. Protists can be or .................................... multicellular. Unicellular

16. A seed plant that does not produce flowers is called a(n) ............................. gymnosperm

17. Seed plants have three basic parts leaves, roots and ................................. stems

18. The carbon dioxide comes into the leaf through .................... stomata

Choose the Best.

1 The flexible wrapping that surrounds all cells is called the

a. cytoplasm.

b. cell wall.

C. cell membrane.

d. vacuole.

2 Which of these structures is found in a plant cell, but not in an animal cell?

a. central vacuole

b. mitochondria

 C. nucleus

d. organelles

3 Which of the following is in the correct order, from simplest to most complex?

a. cells, tissues, organs, organism, organ systems

b. cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism

C. cells, organs, tissues, organ systems, organism

d. cells, tissues, organ systems, organs, organism

4. Which phylum has the most species?

a. echinodermata

b. molluska

C. chordata

d. arthropoda

5. In which kingdom do all of the members obtain energy by breaking down dead organisms?

a. plants

b. aninmals

C. fungi

d. protists

6. Which life process do viruses carry out?

a. reproduction

b. movement

C. growth

d. use of energy

7. Which structure found in vascular plants allows for the transport of water?

a. flower

b. xylem

C. phloem

d. seed

8. A fir tree is an example of a(n)

a. nonvascular plant.

b. angiosperm.

C. seedless plant.

d. gymnosperm.

9. A carrot root is an example of a(n)

a. taproot.

b. prop root.

C. fibrous root.

d. aerial root.

10. Which of the following moves sugars that are made in the plant's leaves?

a. xylem

b. phloem

C. cambium

d. bark

11. Which group includes the simplest animals?

a. worms

b. mollusks

C. sponges

d. cnidarians


12. Which animals have radial symmetry?

 a. sponges

b. worms

C. mollusks

d. cnidarians

13. Which vertebrates have gills when they hatch, and lungs when they are adults?

a. amphibians

b. reptiles

C. fish

d. birds

14. Which organ filters wastes from the blood?

 a. bladder

 b. kidneys

C. large intestine

d. small intestine

15. Where does blood travel next after returning from the body cells?

 a. to the small intestine

b. to the lungs

C. to the liver

d. to the kidneys



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