Social Studies Grade 6 First Term Examination Portion Coverage, Answer Key and Practice Questions 2021

Social Studies 

Grade 6 

First Term Examination 2021

Portion Coverage, Answer Key and 

Practice Questions 2021

Portion Coverage 

Unit 1

History of a Nation

Lesson 1

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

Lesson 2

The Beginning of Islam

Lesson 3

The Umayyad Empire

Lesson 4

The Abbasid Empire

Lesson 5

The Ayyubid Empire

Answer Key & Practice Questions

Lesson 1

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

Exercise 1: 

Answer the following questions.

1. Where and when was Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) born?

in Makkah in the year 570 A.D.

2. Where and when did Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) die?

in Madinah at the age of 63.

3. Name one of Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) achievements. Explain it briefly.

Islamic State: The Prophet (PBUH) set up systems to form functional mechanism of a Muslim Community.

4. Who was Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) first wife? How many children did they have? Name them.

Khadija/ 6 kids: Qasim, Abdallah, Zainab, Ruqayyah, Um Kulthum, Fatimah.

5. When and where did prophet Mohammad ( PBUH) have his first revelation? Who appeared to him?

At the age of 40, Arch-angel Jibril appeared to him in Mount Hira.

True and Falls.

The Prophet (PBUH) set up systems to form functional mechanism of a Muslim Community.  T

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) die in Madinah at the age of 63. T

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) born in Makkah in the year 570 A.D. T

 Hijra refers to the trip that Prophet Mohammad started from Makkah to Madinah. T

Lesson 2

The Beginning of Islam

Exercise 1: 

How did Islam begin?

Islam began after the birth of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in Makkah and with the unifying of the Arab tribes, the Bedouins, under the name of Allah.

Exercise 2: 

What is Hijra?

Hijra refers to the trip that Prophet Mohammad started from Makkah to Madinah.

Exercise 3: 

Who were the four caliphs after Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)? Name them.

Abu Bakr

Umar ibn al - Khattab

Othman bin Affan

Ali bin Abi Taleb

Exercise 4: 

What are the five pillars of Islam?

Declaration of Faith 





Fill in The Blanks.

Father: Abdallah who died ------------------ before he was born. Weeks

Mother: Aminah bint Wahab died when he was-----------. 6

First revelation: at the age of --------- during Ramadan, Allah sent Archangel Jibril to Mohammad (PBUH) and asked him to “Recite”. 40

Islam is the religion that occurred in the------------------------. Arabian Peninsula

Abu Bakr was succeeded by Umar ibn al-Khattab, also known as-------------------. Amir al Mu'minin

Lesson 3

The Umayyad Empire

Exercise 1: 

Cross out the facts that do not apply to the Umayyad Empire.

a. The Umayyad caliphs extended the Muslim lands to reach Morocco.

b. The Umayyad Empire weakened because of the Caliph’s death.

c. One of the Umayyad Empire achievements is using an Umayyad language for documentation.

Exercise 2: 

Name two important buildings that were constructed by the Umayyads. 

(Possible answer)

Umayyad Mosque in Damascus

Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem

True and Falls.

The Umayyad caliphs extended the Non-Muslim lands to reach Morocco.F

The Umayyad force people to follow the religion of Islam. F

Lesson 4

The Abbasid Empire

Exercise 1: 

Who was the leader of the Abbasid Empire?

Abu al Abbas was the leader who founded the empire.

Exercise 2: 

What is the best accomplishment of the Abbasid Empire? What was its result?

One of the accomplishments of the empire was the agricultural progress that resulted in new kinds of plants and the development of farming.

Exercise 3: 

Complete as required:

1-two of the Abbasid’s economic achievements 

(possible answer)

exchange of currencies

credit facilities started being used

2- one astronomical achievement 

(possible answer)

learned more about the eclipse

3- two important Abbasid figures and their achievements

a. Ibn Rushd : everything should be proved by reasoning except for the Holy Quran

b. Ibn Khaldoun: set the basis for the scientific studies of history

Lesson 5

The Ayyubid Empire

Exercise 1: 

Give short answers.

1. Who is Saladin?

Saladin al Ayoubi was a Kurdish Muslim who started the Ayyubid.

2. Where was he born?

He was born in Tikrit, Iraq.

3. Which was one of the cities he loved the most?

Damascus, Syria

4. How old was he when he participated in the first war?

Saladin was 26 years old when he participated in the first war.

Exercise 2: 

Correct the statements below.

1. The Ayyubids spent very few years trying to win over the surrounding regions.

The Ayyubids spent long years trying to win over the surrounding regions.

2. The battle of Hattin led to the loss of the Ayyubids.

The battle of Hattin led to the victory of the Ayyubids.

3. After Saladin’s death, the empire became united.

After Saladin’s death, the empire became divided.

Fill in The Blanks.

1. Prophet Mohammed’s (PBUH) friend who first joined Islam was named

------------------. Abu Bakr

2. After the death of---------------------, a new dynasty known as the Umayyad Empire was established. Ali bin Abi Taleb

3. The Umayyad’s chose------------------- to be their capital city. Damascus

4. One of the most famous rulers of Baghdad was -------------------- who encouraged learning and led the city to become wealthier. Harun al Rachid

5. One of the first accomplishments of the Abbasids was to move the capital city from Damascus to ----------------------. Baghdad

6. The journey of Hijra started from Makkah and reached to ------------------ which was later named Madinah. Yathrib

7. The Umayyads extended the Islamic civilization and the Arab rule from Spain and ----------------------- in the West to the Indus River Valley in the East. Morocco

8. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and his first revelation in Mount Hira from Arch-angel-------------------. Jibril

Circle the best choice.

1. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) died in the year ___________________.

a. 631 A.D.

b. 632 A.D.

c. 633 A.D.

2. During the Umayyad civilization, ___________________ became the official language.

a. Arabic

b. English

c. French

3. Islam reached its Golden Age during _____________________.

a. The Ayyubid Empire

b. The Umayyad Empire

c. The Abbasid Empire 


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