Unit 1 Lesson 4: The Abbasid Empire

Unit 1 

Lesson 4: The Abbasid Empire

The reign of the Abbasid Empire

Its accomplishments and achievements on different levels

The important figures in this period and the downfall of such an empire

Lesson objectives:

1) identify the events that led to the rise and later downfall of the Abbasid Empire

2) list facts about some of the important figures in that age

3) define the period referred to as the golden age of Islam

The leader of the Abbasid Empire: Al Abbas = a descendent of prophet Mohammad (PBUH) who started the new empire after invading Damascus (capital of the Umayyad Empire) and killing the last members there.

Rise of the Empire:

Treating people justly and equally

Discrimination was not applied anymore

Applying the religion of Islam kept everybody open to the diversity of the people around

The religion of Islam was applied on the basis of equality

The accomplishments of the empire:

a. Moving the capital to Baghdad

b. Attracting many poets, philosophers, and inventors

c. Trade flourished since traders from all over the world passed by the Arab land

d. Social structure 

e. Culture grew

f. The economic achievements/ those related to money/ banks are usually involved there

“Golden age” 

The age of the Abbasids various inventions were created such as irrigation projects, they brought new kinds of plants. 

Farming in the desert wasn’t a problem anymore.

Harun-Al-Rachid helped the city to become more prosperous and helped Muslims in learning. 

He was one of the leaders of the empire.

Development of agriculture:

 Irrigation projects are planned and implanted to provide enough water supplies

 Crops are grown locally

 Sugar canes, herbs, and different kinds of flowers are sold to distant lands.

Farming was also developed in the desert

Fields of progress:

 Mathematics (Ibn Khaldoun) 

 Architecture and art of building

 Medicine

 Story telling (Aladdin and Ali Baba).

 A new science was discovered: 

Astronomy (space science)

Astrology is a science

 Phases of the moon

 In Astrology, scientists learned more about the eclipse.

 They observed the Earth’s rotation and circumferences

 They invented new navigation tools

Reasons that led to the decline of the Abbasid’s Empire:

 Caliph’s power started declining and became limited

 New leaders took decisions

 Lots of invasions diminished the power of the caliphs who finally became puppets.

The consequences of the decline:

 Seljuk Turk Sultan and Turks took over the reign of Bagdad

Exercise 1: Who was the leader of the Abbasid Empire?

Abu al Abbas was the leader who founded the empire.

Exercise 2: What is the best accomplishment of the Abbasid Empire? What was its result?

One of the accomplishments of the empire was the agricultural progress that resulted in new kinds of plants and the development of farming.

Exercise 3: Complete as required:

1-two of the Abbasid’s economic achievements

(possible answer)

exchange of currencies

credit facilities started being used

2- one astronomical achievement

(possible answer)

learned more about the eclipse

3- two important Abbasid figures and their achievements

a. Ibn Rushd : everything should be proved by reasoning except for the Holy Qur’an

c. Ibn Khaldoun: set the basis for the scientific studies of history


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