Revision work for chemistry Grade-7 first term.

Revision work for chemistry 

Grade-7 first term.

1.    In 1869 the problem was solved by a Russian chemist called------------------. Dmitri Mendeleev

2.    There are ------------------------------ groups in the Periodic Table. 8

3.    Periods are the ------------------ the Periodic Table. rows across

4.    Groups 1 and 2 are all------------------. metals

5.    Silicon and germanium are called -----------------. Semi metals

6.    --------------, are unusual metals. They have low melting points and are very soft. alkali metals

7.    The alkali metals get more reactive going -----------the group. Down

8.    Compounds formed by Group 1 metals are usually ---------------solids. white

9.    The transition metals are '--------------' metals. Typical

10. Iron, cobalt and nickel are the -------------metals. magnetic


True and F.

1.    A solid material which is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity is metal. True

2.    Element or substance that is not a metal. Mostly lacks the characteristics of a metal is non-metal. True

3.    Element whose properties are intermediate between those of metals and non-metals are gases. F


4.    The Group 7 elements ore coiled the halogens. True


5.    halogens' atoms 'go round in pairs'. They form diatomic molecules. True


6.    Fluorine is used as a bleach. F


7.    Bromine forms bromides. Iodine forms iodides. True


8.    Bromine does not react with iron as quickly as chlorine. True


9.    The halogens get less reactive going down the group. True


10.  Chlorine is more reactive than iodine or Fluorine. F


11.  Halogen compounds are also damaging the ozone layer. True


12.  Scientists in the 1990s discovered a hole in our ozone layer. F


13.  The noble gases are very unreactive. True


14.  The noble gases are stable because their outer shells are full. True


15.  Periodic Table are arranged in order of atomic number. True


16.  Group 1 elements are so reactive because it is easy for them to get rid of just 1 electron. True


17.  A fluorine atom is a lot smaller than on iodine atom.True


18.  Once the electron is lost, the atom is no longer neutral. It becomes a charged particle called on ion.True


1.    The Reactivity Series is like a 'league table' for----------------------.

a)    Non metals

b)    Metals

c)    Metuloids

d)    All of the above



2.    An atom of a halogen has ----------------------electrons in its outer shell.

a)    7

b)    8

c)    9

d)    10


3.    The most reactive metals are at the ---------------------------of the league.

a)    Bottom

b)    Side

c)    Out

d)    Top


4.    The more reactive ----------------------------- will win the competition.

a)    Non metals

b)    Metals

c)    Metuloids

d)    All of the above


5.    A more reactive metal can --------------------------- a less reactive metal from its compounds.

a)      Remove

b)     Burn

c)      Change

d)     Displace

6.    Most metals are found naturally in rocks called-------------------.

a)       Ores

b)      Compound

c)       Element

d)      Atom


7.    ---------------------------is found in an ore called cholcocite.

a)       Iron

b)      Gold

c)       Silver

d)      Copper


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