Revision work for G-8 Chemistry Chapter 15 and 16

 Revision work for G-8 Chemistry Chapter 15 and 16

Question 1                 

Exothermic reactions give out energy. T

Endothermic reactions take in energy. T

In exothermic reactions, the temperature goes down, F

ΔH is negative for an endothermic reaction. F

Breaking bonds requires energy. T

Whenever chemicals react, we get a transfer of energy. T

Food is the fuel for our bodies. T


Question 2                 

1 You need 3 things to make a fire

A. Fuel  B. heat C. oxygen

All of them

2 Fuels store ------------ energy.

a)P.E   b)K.E   d)none of them


3 The gas we burn in a Bunsen burner is usually methan

a)CH      b)CH2      c)CH3


4 Therefore we use a copper beaker (called a---------)

a)Thermometer   c)pH meter   d)barometer


5 Some reactions take in heat from their surroundings. These are called ----------------------reactions.

b)Exothermic            c)both         d)none of them


6. ---------------------flame shows complete combustion

B  yellow   c  both   d none of them

A blue

7. This is an example of --------------------reaction

A endothermic   c both  d none of them

B Exothermic

8. This is an example of --------------------reaction

B Exothermic   c both  d none of them

A endothermic  

 9. Rise in temperature is an example of ---------------

A endothermic   c both  d none of them

B Exothermic

10. ΔH is

B negative  c neutral  d both A & B 

A positive

11.Breaking bond required energy. It is -------------

B Exothermic   c both  d none of them

A endothermic  


12. The steeper the slope, the -------------------- reaction.

A   slow     c  both           d  none of them

B fast


13. As we increase the surface area, the rate of reaction ------------------------.

A same   b decrease      d both b & c

C increase

14. Reactants will convert into products if collision------------------

A    Unsuccessful      b normal       c   moderate       

D  Successful or effective

A  lower         B    higher           c   slower     

D  faster  

16. In reactions between gases, increasing the pressure, increases the ----------- of reaction.

B  amount    c  time    d   temperature 

A rate

17. A catalyst is a substance which speeds up a chemical reaction. At the end of the reaction, the catalyst is chemically------------------------.

B Changed   c both  d  none of them 

A  unchanged

18. A catalyst  ------------------ the activation energy

A  increase   c both A & B   d none of the above

B lower

19. Enzymes are biological  -------------------.

A reactant    b  product    c   both B & D

D catalysts

20. Enzymes -------------------------work at high temperature.

A can c both A & B d none of the above

B cant 

Question 3                 

The large the surface area, the faster the reaction.     

The more concentrated a solution is, the faster  it reacts.

The higher  the temperature, the faster the reaction.

A catalyst  is a substance which speeds up a reaction.

 An enzyme is a catalyst found in living things.

Exothermic reactions give out energy.

The 3 things we need for a fire are fuel, heat and Oxygen.




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