Grade 5 Science All Assessments & Revision of examination


Grade 5 Science All Assessments & Revision of


1.   Landforms are measured by a -------- surveyor -----.

2.   A scientist who studies Earth's structure and history is called a (n)----- geologist -------.

3.   The scientific theory that states Earth's crust is made of moving plates is called –-- plate tectonics ------.

4.   –--- island chain ------- a line of islands.

5.   –(e)----- lava ------ magma that reaches Earth's surface.

6.   A species that is in danger of becoming extinct is a(n)---------endangered species---------.

7.   Establishment of the first living community to develop in an area that used to be lifeless is called----pioneer community-------.

8.   When a species dies out completely, the species is---------extinct-------.

9.   The establishment of a new community where a community had already existed is called-------secondary succession-----------.

10.  The process of one ecosystem gradually changing into a different type of ecosystem is called ------------ succession----------.

11.  In the final stages of succession, a(n)---climax community---- develops.

12.  One of the first species to live in an area that used to be lifeless is a(n)--------pioneer species------.

13. Succession that occurs where there is no soil and where few, if any, living things exist is ------------ primary succession------.

14. The----temperate----- rain forest biome has lots of rain and a cooler climate than tropical forests.

15. The----deciduous forest------- is a forest biome with four seasons and trees that lose their leaves in autumn.


16.                  As hardened magma builds up on both sides of a plate boundary, a(n) -------rift valley-----forms at the center of a mid-ocean ridge.

17.                  The force of compression can form ----folded mountains---- at the point where two plates push together.

18.                  The theory that states that the continents were once one landmass and that they drifted to their present positions over many years is called–--continental drift-----.

19.                  A highland in the middle of the oceans that runs parallel to the continents is called a(n) –------mid-ocean ridge---------.

20.                   Shear forces at a fault can form------fault-block mountains--------.


1.   -----island arc---- a series of volcanic islands that form along a plate boundary

2.   ----shied volcano--- a broad volcano with gently sloping sides formed from thin, fluid lava

3.   ---hot spot---- a stationary pool of magma below Earth's crust

4.   ----composite volcano---- a large, cone-shaped volcano built from alternating layers of cinders and hardened lava

    5.  -----crater------- a cup-shaped depression that forms around a

volcano's vent

1.   Each of these has its own typical animals, plants, soil, and -------climate-----.

2.    In the -----deciduous forest------ biome, deciduous trees dominate.

3.   These are ---hardwood--- trees that lose their leaves each autumn.

4.   The coldest, harshest biome is the tundra, which is a treeless area with a layer of ----permafrost--- under the surface.

5.   Another largely treeless biome is the ------grassland-----, where grasses are the main type of plant life.

1.   In which natural cycle must an important gas in Earth's atmosphere be fixed before plants can use it?

a.        sulfur cycle

b.     carbon cycle

c.     nitrogen cycle

      d.       oxygen cycle

2.   Which of these processes is the changing of water vapor into liquid water?

a.       condensation

b.       infiltration

c.       evaporation

d.       Transpiration

    3. Which kind of species is in danger of totally disappearing from Earth?

a.       threatened

b.      endangered

c.       extinct

d.       Pioneer

      4. In the last stage of succession, the plants and animals in an ecosystem form a(n)

a.     pioneer community.

b.     endangered community.

c.     climax community.

d.     primary community.

    5. Which type of succession would occur after a fire has burned a forest?

a.       primary succession

b.       tertiary

c.      Secondary succession

d.      climax succession

    6. Which type of biome has the greatest diversity of plants and animals?

a.       tundra

b.       deciduous forest

c.       desert

d.      tropical rain forest


7. In which cold, northern biome are conifers the main type of plant life?

a.   ad deciduous forest

b.     tropical rain forest

c.     taiga

d.     tundra

8.   In which biome do hardwood trees lose their leaves before the cold winter sets in?

a.   tundra

b.   taiga

c.   deciduous forest

d.   tropical rain forest

9. The cold temperatures and frozen ground prevent the growth of trees in the

a. taiga.

b. desert.

c. tundra.

d. grasslands.

10.   Creatures that drift freely in water ecosystems are called

a.     plankton.

b.     benthos.

c.     nekton.

d.     crustaceans.


3.   Which of these is a physical feature on Earth's surface?

a.   tsunami

b.  landform

c.   mantle

d.   hotspot

4.   The crust and the top part of the mantle make up the 

a.   atmosphere.

b.   hydrosphere.

c.   asthenosphere.

d.  lithosphere.

5.   Earth's surface layer is the  

a.   mantle.

b.  crust.

c.   biosphere.

d.   asthenosphere.

6.   What layer of Earth's interior lies just below the crust?  

a.   mantle

b.   inner core

c.   lithosphere

d.   outer core


7.   The plate tectonics model states that Earth's crust is composed of      

e.   one solid piece of rock.

f.     both liquid and frozen water.

g.  several huge slabs of rock that fit together.

h.   Hot, melted rock.

8.   What is a fault?

e.   energy that an earthquake produces

f.     the opening in a volcano

g.  a large crack in Earth's crust

h.   the boundry between two plats.

9.   Huge slabs of rock moving suddenly against each other in the Earth's crust create

a.   earthquakes.

b.   abyssal plains.

c.   volcanos.

d.   a trench stretch.

10.                  A mass of large flowing ice that can erode rock is called a(n)

a.   glacier.

b.   landslide.

c.   iceberg.

d.   delta.

11.                  What is the term used for melted rock that reaches the Earth's surface?

e.   lava

f.     mantle

g.   magma

h.   boundary rock

12.                  Underwater earthquakes of a great magnitude can create 

a.   continental divides.

b.   trenches.

c.   tsunamis.

d.   aquatic drift.



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