
Showing posts from November, 2021
  Group-VII (halogens) elements: F Cl Br I At  Molecular formula, colourand Physical state of halogens: Halogen molecules                            colour                       Physical state F2                                                        Pale yellow            gas Cl2                                                      Pale green              gas Br2                                                      red brown              liquid I2                                                         grey-black             solid Diatomic molecules: A molecule that is made up of only two atoms is called diatomic molecules. Examples:                               Molecules                                          Formula                                                 Flourine                                             F2                                                 Chlorine                                            Cl2                                                 Bromine     

Science Grade 5 Practice & Revision Sheet With Solution

Science Grade 5 Practice  & Revision Sheet With Solution  1. All organisms, or living things, are made of.......................... Cells 2. A single-celled organism that can carry on all its life processes is called---------------------------. Unicellular 3. Organisms made up of more than one cell are called.................... Multicellular 4. Both plant and animal cells perform life processes by using---------------------------------. Organelles   5. All cells are surrounded by a(n)---------------------- that controls the materials that move in and out of the cell.  Cell membrane 6. The cell's control center is called the ........................... Nucleus 7. A structure in a cell used for storage of water, food, and waste is the-------------------------------------. Vacuoles 8. A green structure, called a(n).........................; uses the energy from the Sun to produce food for the plant.   Chloroplast 9. Cells working together at the same job form a(n)

Answer Key Chapter 1 Lesson 3 Plants Workbook Page 15 & 16

Answer Key  Chapter 1 Lesson 3 Plants  Workbook  Page 15 & 16 Lesson 3   Plants Workbook  Page 15 1.         gymnosperm 2.         phloem 3.         cambium 4.         cellular respiration 5.         angiosperm 6.         xylem 7.         photosynthesis 8.         transpiration Page 16 1.         angiosperms 2.         gymnosperms 3.         stems 4.         photosynthesis 5.         chloroplasts 6.         stomata 7.         cellular respiration 8.         sugar

Social Studies Grade 6 Answer Unit 1 History of a Nation Lesson 1 Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

Social Studies  Grade 6 Answer    Unit 1 History of a Nation Lesson 1 Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Exercise 1:  Answer the following questions. 1. Where and when was Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) born? in Makkah in the year 570 A.D. 2. Where and when did Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) die? in Madinah at the age of 63. 3. Name one of Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) achievements. Explain it briefly. Islamic State: The Prophet (PBUH) set up systems to form functional mechanism of a Muslim Community. 4. Who was Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) first wife? How many children did they have? Name them. Khadija/ 6 kids: Qasim, Abdallah, Zainab, Ruqayyah, Um Kulthum, Fatimah. 5. When and where did prophet Mohammad ( PBUH) have his first revelation? Who appeared to him? At the age of 40, Arch-angel Jibril appeared to him in Mount Hira. True and Falls. The Prophet (PBUH) set up systems to form functional mechanism of a Muslim Community.    T Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) die in Madinah at the age of 63.  T Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) bor

Chemistry Grade 8 Answer Key Chapter 16 Rate of Reaction (complete) Exercise Page 218 Question 1

Chemistry Grade 8   Answer Key Chapter 16 Rate of Reaction (complete) Exercise  Page 218 Question 1                     a)     large;  larger;         b)     faster; volume; collide         c)     higher; quickly; more; harder         d)     catalyst; unchanged         e)     enzyme

Chemistry Grade 7Answer Key Chapter 2 Basic Ideas Exercise Page 29 Question 1

Chemistry Grade 7 Answer Key Chapter 2 Basic Ideas  Exercise  Page 29 Question 1          a)     atom; atoms; simpler         b)     molecules; compounds         c)     chemical; physical

Chemistry Grade 7 Answer Key Chapter 1 How Science Works Exercise Page 16 Question 1

Chemistry Grade 7  Answer Key  Chapter 1 How Science Works  Exercise  Page 16 Question 1          a)     accuracy         b)     sensitivity         c)     reproducibility         d)     precise         e)     independent         f)     dependent         g)     control         h)     valid

Chemistry Grade 8 Answer Key Chapter 15 Energy Changes Exercise Page 201 Question 1

Chemistry Grade 8   Answer Key Chapter 15 Energy Changes Exercise  Page 201 Question 1 a)     Oxygen b)     water; combustion; monoxide; soot;            incomplete c)     energy; increases; Endothermic;                  decreases

Answer Key Chapter 1 Lesson 2 Classifying Life Workbook Page 7, 8, 9 and 10

Answer Key  Chapter 1 Lesson 2   Classifying Life  Workbook   Page 7, 8, 9 and 10 Lesson 2 Classifying Life Workbook  Page 7 1.         Classify 2.         Kingdoms 3.         Phylum, order, species 4.         Genus and species 5.         Plants and animals 6.         Animals 7.         Vertebrates,    invertebrates 8.         Cell walls Page 8 9.       Vascular, nonvascular 10.     Fungi 11.     Yeast 12.     Nucleus 13.     True bacteria,    ancient bacteria 14.     Unicellular 15.     Organelles 16.     reproduction Page 9 1.         e 2.         c 3.         a 4.         f 5.         b 6.         d 7.         g 8.         h Page 10 1.         classify 2.         kingdom 3.         species 4.         scientific name 5.         genus 6.         unicellular  

Answer Key Chapter 1 Lesson 1 cells Workbook Page 3, 4 and 6

Answer Key Chapter 1  Lesson 1   cells  Workbook     Page 3, 4 and 6  Answer Key  Lesson 1  cells Workbook   Page 3 1.         Cells 2.         Splits or divides 3.         Unicellular 4.         Multicellular 5.         100000 6.         Organelles 7.         Cell membrane 8.         Cytoplasm 9.         Nucleus Page 4 10.     Mitochondria 11.     Vacuole 12.     Call wall 13.     Chloroplast 14.     Tissue 15.     Organ systems Page 6 1.         Cells 2.         Unicellular 3.         Multicellular 4.         Cell membrane 5.         Cytoplasm 6.         Organelles 7.         Nucleus 8.         Mitochondria 9.         Cell wall