
Showing posts from August, 2021

Social Studies Unit 1 Lesson 1: Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

 Lesson 1: Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)  Lesson objectives: 1) recognize Prophet’s Mohammad(PBUH) family members 2) identify the reasons of his several marriages 3) identify his first revelation 4) recognize his greatest achievements Explain: 1) Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) called for the religion of Islam. 2) He was born in Makkah in the year 570 AD. 3) Father: Abdallah who died weeks before he was born. 4) Mother: Aminah bint Wahab died when he was 6. 5) After his mother’s death, he was raised by his grandfather and later by his uncle Abu Talib. 6) All his wives were either widows or divorced except for Aisha; and the reasons are: a. helping out the widows b. creating family bonds c. uniting different clans to spread his messages d. increasing his credibility by giving his women the opportunity to teach about him and his private life 7) Khadija: a. rich merchant widow b. Prophet’s (PBUH) first wife c. Their Kids: Qasim, Abdallah, Zainab, Ruqayyah, Um Kulthum, and Fatimah (also Ibrahim is one o
  What is a Cell?