
Showing posts from February, 2021

Social Studies Unit 5 Lesson 1: The Industrial Revolution Solved Exercise Page 109

Unit 5  Lesson 1: The Industrial Revolution Exercise 1: In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the Industrial Revolution? Advantages                           Disadvantages  new machines                         pollution  factories                                  poverty  development of transportation   child labor         Use of science in industry       unemployment

Define Plate Tectonics.

Define Plate Tectonics. P late Tectonics : F orces deep within Earth can cause ocean floors to spread and continents to move. Plate tectonics  is the theory that Earth's outer shell is divided into large slabs of solid rock, called “ plates ,”.

Lesson 1: The Industrial Revolution

Lesson 1: The Industrial Revolution  Lesson objectives: Students should be able to: 1) identify the reasons behind the revolution 2) list the effects of the revolution 3) identify results of the revolution in the 20th century An Industrial Revolution is a revolution that occurs in the field of industry whereby more machines get to be used to replace labor. It is not a revolution in which people fight one another but it is a revolution in the way of doing things. The Industrial Revolution first started in England and moved on into all other countries.

Who is Geologist?

G eologist : A geologist is a S c ientist who examines rocks to find out about Earth's history and structure.   Geologists  are specialist Earth scientists that work with rocks .

Grade 5 Science (A Closer Look Macmillan McGraw-Hill) workbook page 102 Answers.

Grade 5 Science  (A Closer Look Macmillan McGraw-Hill) workbook page 102 Answers. Workbook page 102 1.        landforms 2.        oceans 3.        surveyor 4.        elevation 5.        hydrosphere 6.        crust 7.        mantle 8.        outer core 9.        inner core

What are Earth's layers?

Topic Earth's layers Introduction: Earth's  internal layering can be defined by this resulting chemical composition. Each  layer  has its own properties composition and characteristics. Explanation: Starting at the center, Earth is composed of  four  distinct layers.  They are, from deepest  to shallowest, the  inner core , the  outer core , the  mantle  and the  crust . Crust: The rocky layer of Earth's surface is called the crust. Mantle: The layer of Earth's interior below the crust is called the mantle . Outer core: The outer core is made of liquid metals .   Inner core: T he inner core is made of solid metals.

What is Carbon cycle?

Topic: Carbon cycle Introduction: Carbon moves from the atmosphere to plants. Carbon moves from plants to animals and Carbon moves from plants and animals to soils. Explanation: The  carbon cycle  describes how carbon transfers between different reservoirs located on Earth.  It describes the process in which  carbon  atoms continually travel from the atmosphere to the Earth and then back into the atmosphere.  Since our planet and its atmosphere form a closed environment, the amount of  carbon  in this system does not change. Assessment:  1. This factor contributes to the carbon cycle (a) fossil fuel combustion (b) respiration (c) photosynthesis (d) all of these Answer: (d) 2. The source of carbon to plants in the carbon cycle is (a) fossil fuels (b) carbonate rocks (c) atmospheric carbon dioxide (d) all of the above Answer: (c) 3. In the carbon cycle, the human body returns carbon to the atmosphere through this way: (a) formation of glucose (b) waste products (c) photosynthesis

What are Insoluble salts? Define term Precipitate.

What are Insoluble salts?  Define term Precipitate. Insoluble salts :   Insoluble salts  are ionic compounds that are insoluble in water: the salt continues to exist as a solid rather than dissolving in the liquid.  Precipitate : Precipitation  reactions occur when cations and anions in aqueous solution combine to form an insoluble ionic solid called a  precipitate .

What is Fractional distillation?

What is Fractional distillation? F ractional distillation : Fractional distillation  is a process of separating a mixture of chemical compounds . Chemical compounds are separated by heating them to a temperature at which one or more fractions of the mixture will vaporize. Fractional distillation  is the separation of a mixture into its component parts. The liquid  nitrogen  and oxygen are then separated by  fractional distillation  .  The liquefied air is passed into the bottom of a fractionating column. 

Social Studies Unit 6 Lesson 5: Understanding the Universe Solved Exercise Page 98, 99 and 100

Social Studies Unit 6  Lesson 5: Understanding the Universe Exercise 1: What is a light year? A light year is a unit of measurement used to measure the distance that light takes to travel in one year from one star to the other. Exercise 3: What is a star? Name an important one. What makes it important? A star is a self-luminous body in space / Polaris or North Star, and it is important for navigation. Exercise I: Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. 1. The gaseous mixture that covers Earth’s surface is called atmosphere . 2. When the atmosphere changes within 24 hours or less, this means that the weather is changing. 3. A climate characterizes the general atmosphere of a place or season over a long period of time. 4. The plants that are found in a specific place are called vegetation . 5. A group of stars with a known pattern is called constellation . 6. An instrument that is used to make distant objects appear nearer is called a telescope . 7. The period of time which Ear

Social Studies Unit 6 Lesson 5: Understanding the Universe

Unit 6, Lesson 5: Understanding the Universe Lesson objectives: 1) differentiate between a light year, a solar year, and a lunar year 2) identify various types of stars and constellations The universe= planet Earth + planets+ stars+ sun There are thus distances between these different parts of the universe. Light year:   measures the distance light takes to travel from one star to another in one year Solar year:   Earth's full round around the sun= 365 days Lunar year:   Earth's rotation around the moon= 354/355 days

What is Relief map?

What is Relief map? R elief map : A map that uses shading to show elevations is called a relief map. A raised- relief map  or terrain model is a three-dimensional representation.

What is a Landform?

What is a Landform?   L andform : A  landform  is a natural or artificial feature of the solid surface of the Earth. A landform is a physical feature on Earth's surface .

How many Gases are in air? Define Solubility of gases.

How many Gases are in air?  Define Solubility of gases.   Gases in the air : We live in a mixture of gases, called air. Air is mainly a mixture of 2 gases nitrogen and oxygen. The  atmosphere  of Earth is the layer of  gases , commonly known as  air. Air  is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% other  gases . Solubility of gases : Gases increase in solubility with an increase in pressure. The  solubility of gases  in liquids decreases with increasing temperature. Several factors affect the  solubility of gases : one of these factors is temperature. In general, solubility of a gas in water will decrease with increasing temperature:   Gases get less soluble as the temperature of water rises.

Grade 5 Science (A Closer Look Macmillan McGraw-Hill) workbook page 92, 95 & 96 Answers.

Grade 5 Science  (A Closer Look Macmillan McGraw-Hill) workbook page 92, 95 & 96 Answers. Workbook page 92 1.        nekton 2.        benthos 3.        upper 4.        neritic 5.        oceanic 6.        running-water 7.        intertidal 8.        tides   Workbook page 95 1.        d 2.        c 3.        a 4.        b 5.        c 6.        c   Workbook page 96 7.        d 8.        c 9.        c 10.    c 11.    a 12.    d 13.    a

What is a Salt?

What is a Salt? Salt : A  salt  is a  chemical  compound consisting of an ionic assembly of cations and anions. Substance produced by the reaction of an acid with a base.  Salt , also called sodium chloride, mineral substance of great importance to human and animal health, as well as to industry.  Table salt is called common salt. Chemical name of common salt is sodium chloride and its formula is NaCl.   Methods to get common salt: 1)   By digging from mines. 2)   By pumping up the brine (salt solution) 3)   By evaporating the sea water. Class Assessment   1.    ----------------is added to-many foods to bring out the flavour. A.   Salt B.   Acid C. Base     2.    --------------- can also help to preserve food. A.   Salt B.   Acid C. Base     3.    Common salt formula is -------------. A.   Na B.   Cl C. NaCl     4.    In hot countries salt is extracted from-------------------. A.   sea-water   B.   Condensation C. Precipitation   5.    The salt is found about ----------------

What is Intertidal zone? Define Estuary.

What is Intertidal zone? Define Estuary. I ntertidal zone : O ceans are divided into zones. The shallowest part of the ocean ecosystem is called the intertidal zone. The  intertidal zone  is the area where the ocean meets the land between high and low tides. Estuary : The boundary where freshwater feeds into salt water is called an estuary . An  estuary  is an area where a freshwater river or stream meets the ocean.