
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Periodic Table Chapter#4 Elements arranged in Periodic Table, Groups and Periods, Metalloids, Alkali metals , The Transition metal, Catalyst and Assessments IGCSE

The Periodic Table Chapter#4 Objective Learning After this Chapter Students will be able to   understand: ü   Elements arranged in Periodic Table ü   Groups and Periods ü   Metalloids ü   Alkali metals ü   The Transition metal ü   Catalyst                                                        THE PERIODIC TABLE Elements arranged in Periodic Table: In Periodic table elements are arranged on the basis of increasing atomic number. Groups of the Periodic table: Groups: The vertical columns in the periodic table are called groups. Periodic table consists of eight groups. First group elements are called alkali metals. Second group elements are called alkaline earth metals. 4.   Group-VII elements are called halogens. 5.   Group-VIII elements are called Noble gases or Inert    gases.                                         Class Assessment In Periodic table elements are arranged on the basis of increasing …………….

Unit 3 Lesson 1: Governmental Systems

      Unit 3 Lesson 1: Governmental Systems Lesson Objectives: Students should be able to: 1) identify what a government is 2) differentiate between different governmental systems   Anticipatory Set: 1. One of the traditions that women in Saudi Arabia should follow is wearing a black Abaya. This has become a rule. Is this rule applied in all other Arab countries? 2. Do you think people in all Arab countries follow exactly the same rules? 3. What can we name a ruler of a country? 4. Do you think that a ruler rules all by himself, or is there anyone who helps him set the rules and apply them?   Procedure: Explain that each country in the world has its own system of rules and regulations that people living in that country should follow. Some rules are applied in a country but are not applied in another (the example of women wearing black Abayas in Saudi Arabia). This system is set by the ruler of the country, sometimes with the help of another group of pe

Unit 2 Lesson 5: A Healthy Teen

Lesson 5: A Healthy Teen  Lesson target: students will acquire some tips teenagers should follow to stay healthy Lesson objectives: Students should be able to: 1) be aware of some health problems during teen years 2) list some ways to avoid health problems during teen years 1) What do we call children when they become thirteen years old? 2) Do teenagers face changes during their teen years? 3) What kind of problems might a teenager face? 4) What are some kinds of junk food? Do you think junk food is healthy? 5) What kinds of food can we avoid to prevent health problems during teen years? Explain: 1) All teenagers face changes and problems during their teen years. The key thing is that to know how to deal with all these changes and problems in a positive way. All our body changes might affect our emotions and make us become defiant. We start having problems with our parents and disagree with them regarding many issues. The most important thing is to know how to deal with these changes o