
Grade 5 Science Lesson 1 SLO 1

  Grade 5                           Lesson 1   SUCCESS CRITERIA Classification of Organisms Importance of Classification Write down the names of living things.                         Putting living things into groups What are the benefits of classification?

IGCSE States of Matter Solid Liquid and Gas Questions and Answers


Physics Chapter 1 Grade 7

  Physics                         Chapter 1                                  Grade 7 The Scientific Method   Step 1: Make an Observation When you  notice something interesting , you can say  an Observation is Made.  Scientific Observations trigger curiousity and interest to know more.   Step 2: Ask a Question When an interesting observation is made, you wonder why what you observed happened. In the scientific method, you decide to find out the answer to this questions through research and experiments.   Step 3: Conduct Research Now you want to understand the topic better. Maybe this topic was researched by someone before, and the answers are available in a book, video, or scientific article. So you first look for available information on the topic.   Step 4: Form a Hypothesis A ‘hypothesis’ is an educated guess or a possible explanation. Once you have a hypothesis, you can then design an experiment to test it and see if your prediction is correct or no

Grade 5 Matter Science Unit 1 Lesson 1

  Grade 5                                 Science                                    Unit 1 Lesson 1   "Matter is everything around us that takes up space and has weight. It's what everything is made of. Think about the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the desk you sit at – they're all made of matter. Matter can exist in different forms, like solids, liquids, and gases. Solids are things you can touch and feel, like books or toys. Liquids, like water and juice, can flow and take the shape of their container. Gases, like the air we breathe, are all around us even though we can't see them. So, matter includes everything from the tiniest grain of sand to the air we breathe!"

Grade 7 Chemistry All Class Assessment and Revision of Examination

  Grade 7 Chemistry All Class Assessment and Revision of Examination  1.       ---------------------- is a natural rock a)      Element b)      Ore c)       Atom 2.       The metal in ores are chemically bonded to other ------------------ d)      Element e)      Ore f)        Atom 3.       The least reactive ones are at the ----------------- g)      tope h)      middle i)         bottom 4.       Ores are rocks from which it is economical to extract metals that they contain. A)      True B)      False 5.       The least reactive ones are at the top A)      True B)      False     j)         Most metal are found naturally in --------------------------- called ores. A.      Element B.      rocks C.      Atom k)         Gold is very expensive because it is ----------------------to find. A.      difficult B.      easy C.      both A & B l)         ----------------  is a process of heating an  ore  to a high temperature in the presence of air. A.      Blasting B.      Roasting C.      Mel